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Version: Nightly


Streamlit is a faster way to build and share data apps. It's possible to build streamlit based data apps based on GreptimeDB.

To use GreptimeDB data in your application, you will need to create a SQL connection. Thanks to GreptimeDB's MySQL protocol compatibility, you can treat GreptimeDB as MySQL when connecting to it.

import streamlit as st

st.title('GreptimeDB Streamlit Demo')
conn = st.connection("greptimedb", type="sql", url="mysql://<username>:<password>@<host>:4002/<dbname>")

df = conn.query("SELECT * FROM ...")

Once you have created the connection, you can run SQL query against your GreptimeDB instance. The resultset is automatically converted to Pandas dataframe just like normal data source in streamlit.