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Version: nightly

GreptimeDB Operator

Install GreptimeDB Operator

By utilizing the Operator pattern, GreptimeDB Operator can effectively manage GreptimeDB clusters on Kubernetes. This operator abstracts the model of maintaining a highly available GreptimeDB cluster.

You can use Helm to install GreptimeDB Operator.

helm upgrade \
--install greptimedb-operator greptime/greptimedb-operator \
--create-namespace \
-n greptimedb-admin

Install and upgrade CRDs

Helm cannot upgrade custom resource definitions in the <chart>/crds folder by design.

We support installing and upgrading CRDs automatically using the chart. You can disable this behavior by using --set crds.install=false when installing the chart:

helm upgrade \
--install greptimedb-operator greptime/greptimedb-operator \
--create-namespace \
-n greptimedb-admin \
--set crds.install=false

When you uninstall the GreptimeDB Operator, it will not delete the CRDs by default.

Next steps

  • Deploy GreptimeDB Cluster: This section provides instructions on how to deploy etcd cluster and GreptimeDB cluster on Kubernetes.