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Version: 0.12

Greptime Command Line Interface

The greptime command can start/stop GreptimeDB and pass configuration options.

Install the Greptime CLI

The Greptime CLI comes bundled with the GreptimeDB binary. After installing GreptimeDB, you can execute the ./greptime command within the GreptimeDB directory.

For convenience, if you wish to run commands using greptime instead of ./greptime, consider moving the CLI binary to your system's bin directory or appending the binary's path to your PATH environment variable.

CLI Options

The help command lists all available commands and options of greptime.

$ greptime help
Usage: greptime [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

datanode Start datanode service
flownode Start flownode service
frontend Start frontend service
metasrv Start metasrv service
standalone Run greptimedb as a standalone service
cli Execute the cli tools for greptimedb
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

--log-dir <LOG_DIR>
--log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
  • --log-dir=[dir] specify logs directory, /tmp/greptimedb/logs by default.
  • --log-level=[info | debug | error | warn | trace] specify the log level, info by default.

Global options

  • -h/--help: Print help information;
  • -V/--version: Print version information;
  • --log-dir <LOG_DIR>: The logging directory;
  • --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>: The logging level;

Datanode subcommand options

You can list all the options from the following command:

greptime datanode start --help
  • -c/--config-file: The configuration file for datanode;
  • --data-home: Database storage root directory;
  • --env-prefix <ENV_PREFIX>: The prefix of environment variables, default is GREPTIMEDB_DATANODE;
  • --http-addr <HTTP_ADDR>: HTTP server address;
  • --http-timeout <HTTP_TIMEOUT>: HTTP request timeout in seconds;
  • --metasrv-addrs <METASRV_ADDR>: Metasrv address list;
  • --node-id <NODE_ID>: The datanode ID;
  • --rpc-bind-addr <RPC_BIND_ADDR>: The address to bind the gRPC server;
  • --rpc-server-addr <RPC_SERVER_ADDR>: The address advertised to the metasrv, and used for connections from outside the host. If left empty or unset, the server will automatically use the IP address of the first network interface on the host, with the same port number as the one specified in rpc_bind_addr;
  • --wal-dir <WAL_DIR>: The directory of WAL;

All the addr options are in the form of ip:port.

Metasrv subcommand options

You can list all the options from the following command:

greptime metasrv start --help
  • -c/--config-file: The configuration file for metasrv;
  • --enable-region-failover: Whether to enable region failover, default is false.
  • --env-prefix <ENV_PREFIX>: The prefix of environment variables, default is GREPTIMEDB_METASRV;
  • --rpc-bind-addr <RPC_BIND_ADDR>: The address to bind the gRPC server;
  • --rpc-server-addr <RPC_SERVER_ADDR>: The communication server address for the frontend and datanode to connect to metasrv. If left empty or unset, the server will automatically use the IP address of the first network interface on the host, with the same port number as the one specified in rpc_bind_addr;
  • --http-addr <HTTP_ADDR>: HTTP server address;
  • --http-timeout <HTTP_TIMEOUT>: HTTP request timeout in seconds;
  • --selector <SELECTOR>: You can refer selector-type;
  • --store-addrs <STORE_ADDR>: Comma or space separated key-value storage server (default is etcd) address, used for storing metadata;
  • --use-memory-store: Use memory store instead of etcd, for test purpose only;

Frontend subcommand options

You can list all the options from the following command:

greptime frontend start --help
  • -c/--config-file: The configuration file for frontend;
  • --disable-dashboard: Disable dashboard http service, default is false.
  • --env-prefix <ENV_PREFIX>: The prefix of environment variables, default is GREPTIMEDB_FRONTEND;
  • --rpc-bind-addr <RPC_BIND_ADDR>: The address to bind the gRPC server;
  • --rpc-server-addr <RPC_SERVER_ADDR>: The address advertised to the metasrv, and used for connections from outside the host. If left empty or unset, the server will automatically use the IP address of the first network interface on the host, with the same port number as the one specified in rpc_bind_addr;
  • --http-timeout <HTTP_TIMEOUT>: HTTP request timeout in seconds.
  • --influxdb-enable: Whether to enable InfluxDB protocol in HTTP API;
  • --metasrv-addrs <METASRV_ADDR>: Metasrv address list;
  • --mysql-addr <MYSQL_ADDR>: MySQL server address;
  • --postgres-addr <POSTGRES_ADDR>: Postgres server address;
  • --tls-cert-path <TLS_CERT_PATH>: The TLS public key file path;
  • --tls-key-path <TLS_KEY_PATH>: The TLS private key file path;
  • --tls-mode <TLS_MODE>: TLS Mode;
  • --user-provider <USER_PROVIDER>: You can refer authentication;

Flownode subcommand options

You can list all the options from the following command:

greptime flownode start --help
  • --node-id <NODE_ID>: Flownode's id
  • --rpc-bind-addr <RPC_BIND_ADDR>: The address to bind the gRPC server;
  • --rpc-server-addr <RPC_SERVER_ADDR>: The address advertised to the metasrv, and used for connections from outside the host. If left empty or unset, the server will automatically use the IP address of the first network interface on the host, with the same port number as the one specified in rpc_bind_addr;
  • --metasrv-addrs <METASRV_ADDRS>...: Metasrv address list
  • -c, --config-file <CONFIG_FILE>: The configuration file for the flownode
  • --env-prefix <ENV_PREFIX>: The prefix of environment variables, default is GREPTIMEDB_FLOWNODE

Standalone subcommand options

You can list all the options from the following command:

greptime standalone start --help
  • -c/--config-file: The configuration file for frontend;
  • --env-prefix <ENV_PREFIX>: The prefix of environment variables, default is GREPTIMEDB_STANDALONE;
  • --http-addr <HTTP_ADDR>: HTTP server address;
  • --influxdb-enable: Whether to enable InfluxDB protocol in HTTP API;
  • --mysql-addr <MYSQL_ADDR>: MySQL server address;
  • --postgres-addr <POSTGRES_ADDR>: Postgres server address;
  • --rpc-bind-addr <RPC_BIND_ADDR>: The address to bind the gRPC server;


Start service with configurations

Starts GreptimeDB in standalone mode with customized configurations:

greptime --log-dir=/tmp/greptimedb/logs --log-level=info standalone start -c config/standalone.example.toml

The standalone.example.toml configuration file comes from the config directory of the [GreptimeDB]( repository. You can find more example configuration files there. The -c option specifies the configuration file, for more information check Configuration.

To start GreptimeDB in distributed mode, you need to start each component separately. The following commands show how to start each component with customized configurations or command line arguments.

Starts a metasrv with customized configurations:

greptime metasrv start -c config/metasrv.example.toml

Starts a datanode instance with customized configurations:

greptime datanode start -c config/datanode.example.toml

Starts a datanode instance with command line arguments specifying the gRPC service address, the MySQL service address, the address of the metasrv, and the node id of the instance:

greptime datanode start --rpc-bind-addr= --mysql-addr= --metasrv-addrs= --node-id=1

Starts a frontend instance with customized configurations:

greptime frontend start -c config/frontend.example.toml

Starts a frontend instance with command line arguments specifying the address of the metasrv:

greptime frontend start --metasrv-addrs=

Starts a flownode instance with customized configurations:

greptime flownode start -c config/flownode.example.toml

Starts a flownode instance with command line arguments specifying the address of the metasrv:

greptime flownode start --node-id=0 --rpc-bind-addr= --metasrv-addrs=

Upgrade GreptimeDB version

Please refer to the upgrade steps