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Version: 0.13


The TQL keyword executes TQL language in SQL. The TQL is Time-Series Query Language, which is an extension for Prometheus's PromQL in GreptimeDB.



TQL [EVAL | EVALUATE] (start, end, step) expr 

The start, end and step are the query parameters just like Prometheus Query API:

  • start: <rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>: Start timestamp, inclusive.
  • end: <rfc3339 | unix_timestamp>: End timestamp, inclusive.
  • step: <duration | float>: Query resolution step width in duration format or float number of seconds.

The expr is the TQL expression query string.


Return the per-second rate for all time series with the http_requests_total metric name, as measured over the last 5 minutes:

TQL eval (1677057993, 1677058993, '1m') rate(prometheus_http_requests_total{job="prometheus"}[5m]);

will get a result just like other normal SQL queries.


EXPLAIN displays both the logical plan and execution plan for a given PromQL query. The syntax is as follows:


For example, to explain the PromQL sum by (instance) (rate(node_disk_written_bytes_total[2m])) > 50, we can use

TQL EXPLAIN sum by (instance) (rate(node_disk_written_bytes_total[2m])) > 50;

Notice that since the given query won't be actually executed, the triple (start, end, step) is not necessary. But you can still provide it like in TQL EVAL:

TQL EXPLAIN (0, 100, '10s') sum by (instance) (rate(node_disk_written_bytes_total[2m])) > 50;

The result should be like the following:

| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Sort: node_disk_written_bytes_total.instance ASC NULLS LAST, node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts ASC NULLS LAST
Filter: SUM(prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts)) > Float64(50)
Aggregate: groupBy=[[node_disk_written_bytes_total.instance, node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts]], aggr=[[SUM(prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts))]]
Projection: node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts, prom_rate(ts_range, field, node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts) AS prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts), node_disk_written_bytes_total.instance
Filter: prom_rate(ts_range, field, node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts) IS NOT NULL
Projection: node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts, node_disk_written_bytes_total.instance, field, ts_range
PromRangeManipulate: req range=[0..0], interval=[300000], eval range=[120000], time index=[ts], values=["field"]
PromSeriesNormalize: offset=[0], time index=[ts], filter NaN: [true]
PromSeriesDivide: tags=["instance"]
Sort: node_disk_written_bytes_total.instance DESC NULLS LAST, node_disk_written_bytes_total.ts DESC NULLS LAST
TableScan: node_disk_written_bytes_total projection=[ts, instance, field], partial_filters=[ts >= TimestampMillisecond(-420000, None), ts <= TimestampMillisecond(300000, None)] |
| physical_plan | SortPreservingMergeExec: [instance@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ts@1 ASC NULLS LAST]
SortExec: expr=[instance@0 ASC NULLS LAST,ts@1 ASC NULLS LAST]
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
FilterExec: SUM(prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts))@2 > 50
AggregateExec: mode=FinalPartitioned, gby=[instance@0 as instance, ts@1 as ts], aggr=[SUM(prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts))]
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
RepartitionExec: partitioning=Hash([Column { name: "instance", index: 0 }, Column { name: "ts", index: 1 }], 32), input_partitions=32
AggregateExec: mode=Partial, gby=[instance@2 as instance, ts@0 as ts], aggr=[SUM(prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts))]
ProjectionExec: expr=[ts@0 as ts, prom_rate(ts_range@3, field@2, ts@0) as prom_rate(ts_range,field,ts), instance@1 as instance]
CoalesceBatchesExec: target_batch_size=8192
FilterExec: prom_rate(ts_range@3, field@2, ts@0) IS NOT NULL
ProjectionExec: expr=[ts@0 as ts, instance@1 as instance, field@2 as field, ts_range@3 as ts_range]
PromInstantManipulateExec: req range=[0..0], interval=[300000], eval range=[120000], time index=[ts]
PromSeriesNormalizeExec: offset=[0], time index=[ts], filter NaN: [true]
PromSeriesDivideExec: tags=["instance"]
RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(32), input_partitions=1


TQL also supports ANALYZE keyword to analyze the given PromQL query's execution. The syntax is as follows:

TQL ANALYZE (start, end, step) expr;

For example:

TQL ANALYZE (0, 10, '5s') test;

will get a result like

| plan_type | plan |
| Plan with Metrics | CoalescePartitionsExec, metrics=[output_rows=0, elapsed_compute=14.99µs]
PromInstantManipulateExec: range=[0..10000], lookback=[300000], interval=[5000], time index=[j], metrics=[output_rows=0, elapsed_compute=1.08µs]
PromSeriesNormalizeExec: offset=[0], time index=[j], filter NaN: [false], metrics=[output_rows=0, elapsed_compute=1.11µs]
PromSeriesDivideExec: tags=["k"], metrics=[output_rows=0, elapsed_compute=1.3µs]
RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(32), input_partitions=32, metrics=[send_time=32ns, repart_time=32ns, fetch_time=11.578016ms]
RepartitionExec: partitioning=RoundRobinBatch(32), input_partitions=1, metrics=[send_time=1ns, repart_time=1ns, fetch_time=21.07µs]
ExecutionPlan(PlaceHolder), metrics=[]