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Version: Nightly


The ENGINES table provides information about storage engines. This is particularly useful for checking whether a storage engine is supported, or to see what the default engine is.

The ENGINES table has the following columns:

  • engine: the storage engine name.
  • support: the level of support for the storage engine:
YESThe engine is supported and is active
DEFAULTLike YES, plus this is the default engine
NOThe engine is not supported
DISABLEDThe engine is supported but has been disabled
  • comment: A brief description of the storage engine.
  • transactions: Whether the storage engine supports transactions.
  • xa: Whether the storage engine supports XA transactions.
  • savepoints: Whether the storage engine supports savepoints.

For example:


The output is as follows:

*************************** 1. row ***************************
engine: mito
support: DEFAULT
comment: Storage engine for time-series data
transactions: NO
xa: NO
savepoints: NO
*************************** 2. row ***************************
engine: metric
support: YES
comment: Storage engine for observability scenarios, which is adept at handling a large number of small tables, making it particularly suitable for cloud-native monitoring
transactions: NO
xa: NO
savepoints: NO