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Version: Nightly


The Flows table provides the flow task information.

      Column      |  Type  | Key | Null | Default | Semantic Type 
flow_name | String | | NO | | FIELD
flow_id | UInt32 | | NO | | FIELD
table_catalog | String | | NO | | FIELD
flow_definition | String | | NO | | FIELD
comment | String | | YES | | FIELD
expire_after | Int64 | | YES | | FIELD
source_table_ids | String | | YES | | FIELD
sink_table_name | String | | NO | | FIELD
flownode_ids | String | | YES | | FIELD
options | String | | YES | | FIELD
(10 rows)

The columns in table:

  • flow_name: the flow task's name.
  • flow_id: the flow task's id.
  • table_catalog: the catalog this flow belongs to, named as table_catalog to keep consistent with the INFORMATION_SCHEMA standard.
  • flow_definition: the flow task's definition. It's the SQL statement used to create the flow task.
  • comment: the comment of the flow task.
  • expire_after: the expire time of the flow task.
  • source_table_ids: the source table ids of the flow task.
  • sink_table_name: the sink table name of the flow task.
  • flownode_ids: the flownode ids used by the flow task.
  • options: extra options of the flow task.