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Version: Nightly


The VIEWS table provides a list of views that the current user has visibility of.

| Column | Type | Key | Null | Default | Semantic Type |
| table_catalog | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| table_schema | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| table_name | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| view_definition | String | | NO | | FIELD |
| check_option | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| is_updatable | Boolean | | YES | | FIELD |
| definer | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| security_type | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| character_set_client | String | | YES | | FIELD |
| collation_connection | String | | YES | | FIELD |

The columns in table:

  • table_catalog: The name of the catalog to which the view belongs.
  • table_schema: The name of the database to which the view belongs.
  • table_name: The view name.
  • view_definition: The definition of view, which is made by the SELECT statement when the view is created.
  • check_option: Doesn't support, is always NULL.
  • is_updatable: Whether UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE is applicable to the view, always NO.
  • definer: The name of the user who creates the view.
  • security_type: Doesn't support, is always NULL.
  • character_set_client: The value of the character_set_client session variable when the view is created, is always utf8.
  • collation_connection: The value of the collation_connection session variable when the view is created, is always utf8_bin.